Artist Sign-Up Post

Oct 03, 2012 23:57

In the comments, please enter your artistic preferences, specialties, and restrictions. Feel free to post examples, but don't stretch the page, and if an image is not work-safe, please instead post it as a link with a warning. You may enter anonymously, but please include a pen-name.

As with the writers' signup post, the deadline here is the 15th - we want to be able to pair people off as soon as we can so that everyone has enough time to work in.


Current Entrants / Participants & Their Examples / Descriptions

littlblackghost: here
  • Fanmixes
amywinemouse: here
  • Fanmixes
  • Traditional Media (comics aesthetic/style)
cheerfortyranny: here
  • Digital Art
xojemmaxo: here
  • Photomanips
  • Digital Art
  • Traditional Media
  • Specialties: Lighting, Perspective, Anatomy, Likenesses, Gore
  • Restrictions: No Hardcore Porn

artists, signup

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